Hey all!  If you have no idea what I’m talking about when I say book blogger awards, you should probably head back over to this post and take a look at it before reading any farther.  On the other hand, if you know exactly what these awards are about and are just excited to read my nominations, then you are in the right place!! Here’s my nominations for the 2017 Book Blogger Awards!  (I skipped some categories because even though I created them I couldn’t think of people who fit them, so oops!)

To do this, I scrolled around in my reader A LOT because I have so many book bloggers that I follow and love and was so afraid to leave anyone out!  It also gave me the opportunity to clean out who I follow, which I plan on writing more about in a later post.

Best Teen Book Blogger…

Tavleen @ Travelling Through Words— I love Tavleen’s blog, her reviews, and everything she puts in to make sure that every single post is equally as amazing.  She came into the blogosphere at almost the same time I did, and so I feel like we have a bond 🙂

Adult Book Blogger…

Maxti @ Maxti Books— Her blog is so incredible and we have virtually the same taste in books which I love.  Her tags, reviews, and everything else are my favorites to read, so if you haven’t seen her blog yet you need to. (plus while stalking her about page to double check her age I saw that English isn’t even her first language which I would have never known and is really impressive so Go You!)

Young Adult Genre…

Sarah @ Written Word Worlds— I love her blog, her reviews, and pretty much everything about it.

Mystery and Thriller…

Chelsea @ The Suspense is Thrilling Me— I read a lot of thrillers, and Chelsea’s recommendations are on point, and I love the way she manages to write every single review without giving anything away but at the same time telling me exactly whether or not I should read it.

Sam @ Clues and Reviews— I couldn’t pick just one for this category because there were too many options….. Although Sam’s blog isn’t all mystery thriller, there’s enough in it where I feel like she fits.  Her blog is fab and I 10/10 would recommend it!

Best Book Reviews…

Jess @ Bookends and Endings— I love these reviews because they’re concise but they give me a great idea of the characters and whether or not I’ll actually like the book.  I need to work on my length, but I feel like Jess does it incredibly, which means that I read the entire review without losing interest (sorry, that happens a lot) or reading spoilers

Master of Weekly Features…

Kourtni @ Kourtni Reads— Kourtni is the reason I found out about literally every single weekly feature which has ever found its way to my blog, and I’m so thankful for it.  She manages to write “Top 10” posts that are at once informative and unique and show off a great side of her personality, and I look forward to reading them every week!

Best Book Recommendations…

Alice @ Arctic Books-– I can always count on her to have found incredible books that go straight to my TBR, and her reviews are normally super accurate to how I actually feel once I start to read them.  If I’m ever in the mood for a YA read, I can trust Alice’s advice

Prettiest Bookshelf…

Shauna @ Bookstore Babe— I honestly love her shelves so so so much that words can’t describe it.  They’re color coded and beautiful.

Most Engaged in the Community…

Ava @ Bookishness and Tea— I didn’t follow Ava’s blog until recently, but you’d be blind if you missed her on Twitter.  She is constantly there advocating for what’s right, and her voice has become integral to the bookish community, especially for diverse authors/bloggers/people in general.

Blog Aesthetic…

Kristen @ The Brunette Bookwork Blog— Kristen’s header with the cute little book girl is amazing and made me follow her blog before I even read a single post (although let’s be real I would have followed anyways her posts are WONDERFUL).  Then, the featured image she uses is such a pretty combination of colors… *sigh*… I love!


Mahriya @ My Bookish Life— Her personality shines through on her blog brighter than anyone else’s that I’ve ever seen, and it’s an amazing one at that.  She makes me laugh all the time, is super supportive, and has given me the confidence to share my personality.  Her comments on my posts make my day every time ❤

Best Friend Ever…

Cassidy @ Quartzfeather— When I first saw Cassidy and asked to do a blogger interview with her, I never imagined what would happen next.  She’s one of the few people I manage to stay in touch with, and we have the best conversations about everything whenever we have them.

Best New Book Blogger…

Emma @ Book Emma— I think that Emma’s new to the blogosphere, if not forgive me 🙂 at any rate she’s amazing and has such a great personality, great book reviews, and great everything.  Plus, she designed my header so woohoo love you girl

Best Overall Book Blogger…

Cait @ Paper Fury— I love Cait’s blog, her personality, and pretty much everything about her.  She writes quality posts all the time, and her quizzes are some of the most fun things I’ve ever found on the blogosphere.  Plus, her color scheme is to die for, and every post is alive with the most wonderful color.  I stumbled across her via twitter and I could not be more happy I did!


Congrats to everyone I nominated!! Make sure that you cast your nominations this month!!!


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~ Now Venture Out and Change the World ~