(first, the title was not a reference to Sophie Kinsella’s new book, it just sort of happened and I realized the potential confusion too late to bother changing it)

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Samantha on ThoughtsonTomes, where your goal is to find 5 books, topics, or general things that fit the theme!  To find the full list of topics, information, and pretty much anything else regarding T5W, head over to the Goodreads Group.

I thought that this week’s theme was perfect, since I was debating doing a very similar post anyways, and it’s always fun to link up with the T5W crew and see what they’re blogging about!! I took a fairly basic approach to deciding which books would be in my top 5 summer reads– I browsed my physical bookshelf, Kindle bookshelf, and then Goodreads (just in case) and wrote down the books which I liked best!

Note that I normally define “summer read” as a light, fluffy book that you would be willing to take to the beach, after I wrote this list I feel the need to revise this working definition to make more sense to what I actually wrote.  All of the books below are ones that I think most teen –> adult females will generally enjoy (or men/anything in between who enjoy romance, family issues, and drama with minimal action sequences).  However, I couldn’t resist putting in books that are not quintessentially “easy” to read.  I take on big issues people, and a couple of my books might make you vaguely sad.  Still, you’ll fly through them because they’re amazing, and so in that respect they’re great books to push you through summer.

The Other Boleyn Girl (The Plantagenet and Tudor Novels, #9)1. The Other Boleyn Girl, by Philippa Gregory

I know, I know, this book is a tomb so it’s not the best to take with you.  But I recommend getting it on your Kindle or other eReader, because it’s such a fun book to read.  It follows the life of Mary Boleyn, and it’s super romancey and royal and I adore it.  Mary is super relatable in a weird, 1500s type of way, and plus it gives you some pretty decent insight into the time period, especially if you’re like me and know absolutely nothing about anything.  You can read my full review here if you are interested.

Girl Out of Water


2. Girl out of Water, by Laura Silverman

This is probably the most traditional summer read on my entire list.  When I wrote my original review, I actually wrote “a perfect summer read” so clearly it needed to be on this list.  Not only does it take place IN THE SUMMER but it has the cutest relationship you’ll ever see, an incredible family dynamic, and a light, enjoyable style of writing.  It also just came out this month, so you’ll be totally on top of the trend.  and Silverman is an amazing person just based on her Twitter, so it’s worth it to support her. (Read Review)


Not My Daughter3. Not My Daughter, by Barbara Delinsky

When I picked up this book from the library book sale rack last summer, my mom rolled her eyes, sighed, and told me I better not “get any ideas”.  It’s about high school girls who get pregnant all at the same time, and the way they sort of deal with it and all of the drama that follows.  It’s the type of book that although it’s about a sort of serious matter, it still has some light takes to the drama which will keep you happy and wanting more.  I don’t want to say anymore because I’m nervous of spoilers, but I can tell you that it’s worth the read if you’re looking for a light (but not cliche) read.


4. Gone Girl, by Gillian FlynnGone Girl

And this is where I really lose the whole summer read theme.  Gone Girl is a book about a WOMAN who disappears and her husband is accused of murdering her.  It’s told from the guy’s perspective first, then her’s, and I think it’s really neat the way it’s done, and it kept me on the edge of my seat.  For thriller lovers, this is a must read (and even a repeat read) that will guarantee to have the days of summer tick by wayyyyyy faster than you would want them to.  I love Gillian Flynn, and she didn’t disappoint with this book.



Image result for nineteen minutes5. 19 Minutes, by Jodi Picoult

For the final punch in the stomach, I choose a book about a school shooting, because what better time to read it than when you’re not in school, right? but seriously I had to choose it because despite it being thick and about a serious topic, it’s a wonderful, can’t put down read.  Picoult is so so so good at taking on real world problems, and it comes through in this book.  Plus, it has great family relationship and dating relationship drama, which I personally can never get enough of.


So, that’s all for today!! Hopefully you’ve enjoyed some of these nominations and not just rolled your eyes at me.  I’m super excited for summer to start, and this list and thinking back to what I read last summer has me unable to focus in Stats right now, but that’s okay… (I hope)

look upinto the stars. (4)

What books are on your summer read list? Do you have any books that you read every summer? Have you read any of the books on my list? If so, are they totally terrible choices? Make sure you link your #T5W! 


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~ Now Venture out and Change the World ~